Geir Gundersen

You have spoken to me or got my contact info from a business card. What now?

Firstly I want to thank you for checking the information I gave you. That is a good practice.

You talked to me for one of two reasons. Either to solve a problem in the zero trust domain, or to get help setting up a makerspace for your organization.

All you need to do now is to frame what you want in your own mind, and then reach out to me. I will help you.


Phone: +4792066615

Some general information

This page is set up to not track anything, so there are no forms or cookies. I want to gain your trust, and that is not achieved by tracking you.

There are no price lists on this page. This is because I firmly believe that there is no budget too low. I will adapt any solution to your budget.

There are no dumb questions, just some things one doesn't know yet.